L’éclatement récent de la guerre en Ukraine (2022) puis de la nouvelle guerre Israélo-palestinienne (2023) ont souligné le fossé persistant existant entre l’ « Occident » et le « Sud Global » lourd de conséquences pour l’avenir du monde. Lire l’histoire des relations internationale sous le prisme des relations « Nord-Sud » reste ainsi plus que jamais d’actualité.
Ce cours étudiera donc l’origine et l’évolution de ces catégories et de ses avatars, « tiers-monde », « Orient » et « Occident » depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’aux décolonisations et à la période contemporaine. Il traitera pour cela des questions de déséquilibre, d’inégalité et d’antagonisme, qui sont inhérentes à la distinction d’un « Nord » et d’un « Sud ».
Le cours reposera sur 9 séances de 2 heures, la 9ème étant consacrée à l’examen final.
- Docente: Thomas Leyris
This course on “Peace, Security, and Multilateral” aims to provide students with a thorough analysis of issues at the core of contemporary diplomatic practice, with a focus on the instances of multilateral cooperation and their role in the field of peace and security.
Through both a theoretical and a practical approach of the study of diplomacy, we will focus both on the history on international cooperation and on the most recent transformations in the conduct of international affairs.
Over 6 sessions of 3 hours each (18h), students will get the opportunity to better understands the specifics of multilateral diplomacy and what makes it different from traditional bilateral exchanges. By including the variety of international actors taking to the multilateral ‘arena’ (United Nations, European Union, African Union, OSCE, NGOs, etc.), this class aims to shed light on the contribution of international organizations to the management of global issues. Formulating new norms and values, these organizations directly shape the structure of the international political scene. Finally, this course will focus on the issue of the reform of multilateralism and its capacity to adapt to world order ongoing transformations and changing confrontations.
- Docente: Charles Tenenbaum
This 18-hour class will examine a selected number of human rights issues focusing particularly in exceptional situations. While becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of human rights, students will be particularly familiarized with specific, challenging human rights issues in the current international context, calling for a more topical approach.
During the last decades, safeguarding of human rights became a primordial field of international law and politics. However, assuring human rights protection during exceptional situations, that is circumstances that call for an urgent and sometimes original approach, is increasingly difficult. Armed conflicts, national security and public order threats, pandemics, natural catastrophes and climate change are only some of the major exceptional situations that societies face today. Calling for the respect of human rights in these cases is faced with various challenges concerning the applicability, the content and the application of relevant human rights rules. At the same time, due to the multitude of existing frameworks and the effectiveness of control mechanisms, human rights are often a viable recourse for actors seeking to obtain redress for the violation of broader international obligations.
The course will address the current state of human rights in emergencies, their interaction with politics, the impact of all relevant actors and, finally, the perspectives of emergence and evolution of a human rights regime of emergencies.
- Docente: Stefanos Gakis