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International migration has become a major political issue worldwide. This class proposes a critical overview of the core issues raised by the cross-border movements of people. It will introduce students to current trends in migration flows, to the different types of human mobility and the dynamics behind them. It will provide a multi-scale approach to migration ranging from the international to the local level and examine in greater details Migration and asylum policies in the EU, France and in and around the French port of Calais.

Assessment - Evaluation

Participation in class discussions                    10%

Presentation                                                   50%

Research Interview                                         40%



All students are expected to take the floor during the class. Participation marks will be assigned according to the quality and quantity of contributions.



Each student must present once during the term (in group or alone depending on the number of students). Two presentation topics are suggested per session. Your presentation (French “exposé”) needs to be based on a research question. It should be 20 to 25 minutes long and follow a clear structure including an introduction and a conclusion. Make sure that your presentation is argumentative – i.e. not to descriptive, defending clear arguments – and well-illustrated – i.e. based on precise examples.


Please upload your presentation research question, outline and bibliography on Moodle the day preceding your presentation. All students are expected to download the documents pertaining to the presentations as the presentation will be followed by Q&A with the class.

There are already two presentations during the first session (October 4th). I will take into account this added burden in assessing your work.  


Research Interview

All students are expected to conduct a research interview with the person of their choice (provided it remains consistent with the content of the course). Relevant political and administrative staff, MEPs, experienced aid workers in NGOs, or even scholars could be interviewed on a subject deemed important by the student in accordance with the professor (please contact me per e-mail in this regard).


At the end of the semester, all students should provide the professor with the transcript of the interview (including the questions asked) and with a short analysis of the interview. The analysis itself should be no more than 2000 words and should include a discussion surrounding the subject you chose in the first place (How did you select this interviewee? Why? What did the interviewee say? What did he hide? How does it relate to academic concepts you have studied in class? How does it illustrate the phenomenon you wanted to work on? Was the interviewee convincing? Who else could have been interviewed to have a more complete view on the subject?)


Deadline: December 6th, 2023

Auto-inscription (Étudiant)
Auto-inscription (Étudiant)